DV 2025 Segments – Mytchett Place Road and Sandy Lane Segments
Overview – Distance: 83 km, Climbing: 650 m
Café stop – Ash Vale or Guildford.
Mytchett Place Road is a new segment between Pirbright and Ash. Head out via Ripley, Old Woking and Pirbright. The segment starts just after you turn left off Gapemouth Road, which bends right under the railway bridge. The segment weaves its way through the trees in the average speed check zone. There is no landmark at the end, so keep an eye on your computer. Descend Mytchett Lake Road under the bridge to the main road. Turn left towards Ash Vale. Cross the Basingstoke Canal and up Ash Hill Road. Turn sharp left at the roundabout towards Normandy and the cake stop.
Just as you enter Normandy, turn right into Glaziers Road. After 200m turn left at the Medical Centre sign to the Fruit Farm and the Normandy Village Shop (closed on Sundays).
The route to Guildford is via Fairlands on the A323 which can be a busy road. As you approach Guildford duck under the main A3 and bear left. Just past Lidl take the right lane to get onto a cycle path that becomes Woodbridge Meadow. Follow the road and cycle path past the railway station onto the one way system.
Negotiate the one way system end exit on the A3100 towards Godalming. Sandy Lane is opposite Ye Olde Ship Inn.
The segment starts shortly after entering Sandy Lane and ends as you crest the hill with the telegraph pole in sight. Stop and turn round!
The route home goes via Guildford, Merrow, East Horsley and Cobham.
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