DV 2025 Segments – Sheephouse Lane and Broomhall Road
Overview – Distance: 60 km, Climbing: 800 m
Café stop – Coldharbour
Another two segments that climb a side of Leith Hill.
Head out through Effingham and over Whitedown. Turn left at the bottom of Whitedown and head towards Westcott. Turn right at the Wooton Hatch pub along Sheephouse Lane. The segment starts at the bottom of the dip by the private road. There is a steep climb and then a single track road. Keep going until you reach Leith Hill Road junction.
Turn left and onwards to the top of Leith Hill. Descend (caution!) the hill turn left onto Ockley Road. Turn left onto Stane Street and after 1000m slide left onto Broomhall Road. The Broomhall segment starts at the little “lay by” and ends at the top of the steep climb by the triangular island at the junction.
Stop at the Plough Inn, Coldharbour for coffee and a pie! Head back via Dorking and Leatherhead.
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