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We are a friendly club, with a strong emphasis on cycling as a social, fun activity. In order to protect our reputation and what we’re about as a club, we ask all members to abide by a few simple guidelines. These guidelines are there to keep us all safe, and to ensure that the club makes everyone feel welcome.

Some of these guidelines might seem a little formal and serious. This is because they have to be, to ensure that we are acting responsibly as a club.

Ten Guidelines for Riders. As members of Dittons Velo, and as ambassadors for the club, we all agree to:

  1. Obey the Highway Code and ride responsibly at all times. This includes paying attention to other road users, particularly horses, runners and other on-road pedestrians.
  2. Ride safely and considerately, listening out for warnings and instructions from others, especially the ride leader.
  3. Make ourselves familiar with the basic hand signals used on group rides.
  4. Always be polite to other road users, even when they are less than polite to us.
  5. Maintain our bikes in a safe, legal condition, fitting mudguards when the weather is wet. Also carrying what’s needed to ensure that we can mend punctures and fix other minor problems on the ride.
  6. Carry reputable insurance against Third Party claims in the event of an accident or incident.
  7. Wear a helmet whenever riding, along with clothing that is suitable for the conditions on the day.
  8. Treat each other with respect, avoiding remarks or comments in social media that could be considered discriminatory, or at odds with the law of the land.
  9. Not to hold the club responsible for any injury, accident, loss or damage that might occur during a club ride.
  10. Keep our membership up to date (with fees due being paid on time).

Seven Key Responsibilities for Ride Leaders. We ask that those leading a ride also ensure:

  1. That everyone is introduced to each other at the start of a ride, especially when new members are part of the ride.
  2. That everyone is briefed on the route, the proposed pace and the overall distance.
  3. That everyone is well enough to ride, and capable of completing the ride at the group’s proposed pace.
  4. That a basic first aid kit* is carried by at least one person on the ride. This can be provided by the club, if required.
  5. That nobody is left behind unless they explicitly request to be left behind for sound reasons of their own.
  6. That all accidents are reported to the club ( within 48 hours of the accident occurring.
  7. That anyone who is injured and/or unfit to ride is not left alone, until appropriate medical or other help has arrived.

The above is the serious stuff, designed to keep us all safe. There is much more that we could have written about ride-craft, ride etiquette, and about how important it is that every member of the club feels welcomed by those they ride with.

We could also have added a guideline that reminds us all that the idea is to get fit, have fun and enjoy a coffee or a drink with other people who enjoy cycling.

Please take that guideline as a given, and enjoy riding with Dittons Velo!